Contact Us

At Heidi Sturgeon & Associates we understand that it is often not easy to reach out  to connect with a therapist. Please know that by taking this first step you are taking steps to care for your mental and emotional well being so that you can be living your most meaningful life!

The first step is a free 20 minute consult with Heidi where you can discuss your therapy needs, ask any questions about Online Therapy and if you are ready to you can schedule your first therapy session with a therapist.

We are looking forward to meeting and connecting with you!

Please note that If there is not a time available in the Schedule Now Calendar which meets your scheduling needs than please reach out to us using the form below OR by phone at (902) 460-0124 OR toll free at 844-932-4333 and we will be pleased to schedule a convenient time for you to discuss your therapy needs.

Direct Billing Medavie Blue Cross provider including Veterans affairs Canadian Armed Force.


Get started today with a free and confidential consultation provided by an experienced and compassionate therapist

© Copyright 2024 | Heidi Sturgeon, MSW, RSW Sturgewood Industries Ltd | Nova Scotia | New Brunswick | Newfoundland | PEI | Ontario | All Rights Reserved.