Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

What is Therapy?

Therapy, also called Counselling and Psychotherapy is a collaborative effort between you, as a client,  meeting with a therapist/counselor to work on your goals towards changing/resolving what you have identified as problematic behaviours, beliefs, feelings and/or relationships.

Therapy plays an important role in helping improve our overall mental and emotional health and wellbeing. During therapy  sessions, clients will talk about their feelings, reflect on their choices and/or behaviors, learn new strategies for coping and communicating and gain an awareness of themselves – all of which contributes to making positive changes in their lives.

As your therapist, my responsibility is to use my education, training, and experience to address your treatment needs and concerns and to serve you in the most ethical, professional and effective manner possible.

My goal is to help each client achieve and maintain their optimal mental and emotional health and wellness.

What are online video therapy sessions?

Online video sessions are an alternative to a traditional office visit. Having access to Online Video Counselling is especially beneficial if you have:
 Complex schedules
 Lack of Childcare
 Transportation issues
 Mobility issues
 Difficulty accessing a licensed therapist in your community
 Frequent travel for work – you can still have our regular therapy sessions even when traveling
 Anxiety and/or worries about attending an office appointment

All online sessions use a Virtual Care (online Video) web based program. This program means we meet online using a program similar to Skype/FaceTime except the program I use is created for healthcare providers to ensure that we are meeting using a secure connection and to ensure that we are meeting Privacy Requirements for Health Care in Canada.

How long is a therapy session?

The Initial Assessment is 75 minutes

All follow up sessions are 50 minutes unless you and your therapist prefer to schedule longer sessions (75 minute and 100 minutes sessions)

What topics might we discuss during counselling/therapy?

Topics discussed in therapy can vary greatly from person to person depending on the concerns being addressed. Focus is directed towrads enhanced emotional and mental health and wellbeing for the client.

Some specific examples include: anxiety, worries, relationships, stress, health, grief and loss, illness, family situations,


What To Expect During A Therapy Session

In your first therapy session, I will ask questions about you and your life so as to gain an understanding of which concerns you would like to address. This can lead into deeper issues and a discussion of your personal history and current situation.

Throughout your sessions, it could feel challenging to talk about difficult situations and experiences. However, I am there to help guide you through these issues and help create strategies which assist you with your emotions. At times you could feel sad, frustrated, upset, even angry, but that can be part of the process. At other times you may feel relieved, as though a weight has been lifted off your shoulders and excited about new awareness and changes you may be noticing.

It is important to remember that therapy is not a quick fix; it is a process. Also it is a team effort between you and I (your therapist). It is important for us to have open and honest conversation about how you feel. If you are not sure of something, please ask questions. As your therapist, I am here to help – the more information you provide, the more guidance I can offer.

What is the 20 minute free consult?

Finding the right counsellor can be difficult and it may take meeting a few therapists before you find the right fit. I recognize that the right fit is vital to doing great therapeutic work, therefore I offer a complimentary 20 minute consultation either over the phone or by video. This  initial consultation is not a counselling session but rather is considered an introduction where you can ask questions and I can provide you with further information about counselling.

How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions that are required to help resolve a specific issue depends on your individual needs. This will be discussed during your first appointment.

Some clients may benefit from 2-3 sessions while others may require 10-12 sessions. We will also discuss the frequency of your sessions.

I do recommend committing to at least 3 sessions to allow yourself time to fully explore your goals of therapy. However please remember that you are never required to commit to a minimum number of sessions.

When are you available for sessions?

Sessions are offered at various times throughout the day and evening Monday – Friday

How do I schedule a therapy appointment?

If you’d like to schedule an appointment, or if you have any questions, you can schedule directly with me by following the schedule now button. If there is not a time in the online schedule that works for you than please send an email to [email protected] or  call (902) 460-0124. At Lighthouse Online Therapy we are happy to answer any questions and/or concerns you may have about starting therapy

Is client information confidential?

All information pertaining to your situation will be kept confidential. There are, however, some limitations to confidentiality, including:
• If you pose an immediate and grave threat to your life and safety or to that of other individuals, confidentiality may be broken in order to prevent harm.
• If you become involved in a legal case, the judge has a right to subpoena information pertaining to your treatment.
• There are mandatory reporting laws for abuse of children and dependent adults.

I always review these limits to confidentiality during our first appointment.

Will I have to pay HST?

No, therapy is considered a health service and is tax-exempt.

Will I be charged if I miss a session?

I ask that you provide 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or change your appointment to avoid being charged the full fee for your session.

Will my insurance cover your services?

Most private insurance companies provide some coverage for services. It is a good idea to review your policy with your insurance provider before your appointment to determine how much coverage you have per year and if your insurance provides coverage for Social Work Services and Psychology Services

Do you bill my insurance company directly?

We offer Direct Billing through:

  • Alberta Blue Cross
  • Blue Cross
  • Canada Life
  • Canada Life – PSHCP
  • Canadian Construction Workers Union
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • ClaimsXchange
  • Co-operators
  • Equitable Life
  • GreenSheild
  • Industrial Alliance
  • NexgenRx
  • NIHB

All other insurance companies are not direct billing so the balance of your session is due at the end of your appointment with me. You will be provided a receipt that you can submit to your Insurance Company if you have Insurance Coverage.


Get started today with a free and confidential consultation provided by an experienced and compassionate therapist

© Copyright 2024 | Heidi Sturgeon, MSW, RSW Sturgewood Industries Ltd | Nova Scotia | New Brunswick | Newfoundland | PEI | Ontario | All Rights Reserved.