Online Therapy & Counselling in Canada
(Available in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Ontario & PEI)
Direct billing through Blue Cross, Canada Life, Canada Life -PSHCP and other insurers
Online Therapy & Counselling To Help With
Do you feel overwhelmed, disconnected or stressed? Are you often over-thinking things, having catastrophic thoughts or finding it difficult to relax?
You’re not alone – anxiety is one of the leading mental health issues in Canada. Getting help can have a positive impact on relationships, daily activities and overall enjoyment of life.
Do you feel bombarded with feelings, thoughts and memories? Do you feel trapped by a past hurt or loss, feel hopeless, or struggle to think about the future?
Grief is a normal reaction to loss or major change. Find ways to move forward with meaning as you identify what your life can and will look look like after a loss.
Do you feel like something is wrong with you, but struggle to articulate what it is? Do you have feelings of shame, or feel disconnected from people you should be close to?
Past trauma can be hard to recognize and recovery often takes time. If your symptoms aren’t going away counselling can help you process and overcome your feelings.
Do you feel disconnected and alone in the loss of your Mother? Are you an adult woman who lost your Mom when you were a child, an adolescent, or a young adult?
Losing your Mother is a profound and life altering experience. Grief therapy for loss of your Mother can help you explore your feelings, process your grief and begin to heal.
Do you feel overwhelmed, stressed, frustrated and tired of taking care of others? Do your thoughts go to, “What about me?”
If you’re aged 40 or older and would like to get help with adjusting to the many challenges of mid-life then reach out today to find out more about how we can support you.
Did you know therapy can be helpful even when we are not feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Perhaps your life is moving forward but you want a better understanding of yourself, your values and goals.
If this sounds like you then counselling for Personal Growth and Development may be able to help you.
How Does Online Therapy Work?
Online Therapy allows you – the client – flexibility to choose where you have your therapy session! You can have your therapy session in the comfort of your own home or even in your own office!
Online Therapy uses a secure and encrypted video technology that meets privacy regulations for healthcare in Canada but works similar to Skype or FaceTime. All you need is a smartphone, laptop or computer with a webcam, a strong internet connection and a quiet place where you feel you will have complete privacy and you are all set!
Who Is Online Therapy For?
- Health professionals with little to no time for themselves
- Busy professionals, parents, and expectant moms and dads
- Clients with anxiety and social anxiety and/or phobias
- Clients with limited mobility, chronic pain, and illness
- Clients in rural areas with limited access to mental health services
- Clients wanting to avoid traffic delays, parking, and gas expenses
- Clients without transportation
- Frequent travelers
- Caregivers
Free 15 minute Consultations
I understand how much courage it can take to reach out for help. That’s why you can easily schedule your free initial consultation directly through this website.
What happens once I schedule a consultation?
You’ll receive a confirmation email confirming the day and time.
Prior to the consultation you’ll receive a second email asking you to review our practice’s policies and provide some additional information such as address and date of birth.
What happens during the consultation?
I’ll call you on the phone number you provided at the scheduled time. We’ll discuss what you’d like to get help with, what therapy times work best for you, and any questions you have. This information will help me determine which therapist will be the best fit for you. At the end of the consultation I’ll offer you a date and time for your first online therapy appointment but there is no commitment.
Do you offer direct billing for therapy?
Yes, we offer direct billing through many Canadian insurers. During the initial consultation I’ll confirm if we can direct bill to your insurance plan. If there are any remaining fees not been covered by your insurer these can be paid by credit card or e-transfer. You’ll receive a detailed receipt which can be used for income tax claims; and to submit to your insurer if we can’t direct bill them.

We Offer Direct Billing For Many Insurance Providers
Heidi Sturgeon & Associates offer direct billing for many insurance providers including the following:
- Alberta Blue Cross
- Blue Cross
- Canada Life
- Canada Life -PSHCP
- Canadian Construction Workers Union
- Chamber of Commerce
- ClaimsXchange
- Co-operators
- Equitable Life
- GreenSheild
- Industrial Alliance
- NexgenRx
Please ask about direct billing during your initial free consult which you can schedule here.

Please note that Heidi Sturgeon & Associates is not intended, nor able to handle crisis situations.
If at any time you feel suicidal, STOP and please call 9-1-1 immediately or go to your local emergency room.
This website is for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be considered as psychological, psychiatric, or medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for seeking treatment with a qualified healthcare or mental health professional. Additionally, use of this website or blog does not create a therapist-client relationship with any therapist of Heidi Sturgeon & Associates.
Get started today with a free and confidential consultation provided by an experienced and compassionate therapist
© Copyright 2024 | Heidi Sturgeon, MSW, RSW Sturgewood Industries Ltd | Nova Scotia | New Brunswick | Newfoundland | PEI | Ontario | All Rights Reserved.