“Grief is not a disorder, a disease or sign of weakness. It is an emotional, physical and spiritual necessity, the price you pay for love. The only cure for grief is to grieve”
– Earl A Grollman

Online Therapy for Grief & Loss

Grief is a normal & natural reaction to loss or change of any kind. As human beings, we all will experience feelings of grief and loss in our life. Our relationship with the individual we have lost, the nature of events surrounding the loss, and our own past experiences of grief and loss all contribute to our coping. All of us at Heidi Sturgeon & Associates know that grieving the loss of a loved one is difficult. Our grieving can be comparable to being on a rollercoaster of emotions and/or lost in a sea of grief. Therapy can be helpful in allowing you to explore your feelings and memories in a nonjudgmental space to assist in finding ways to move forward with your grieving process.

Grief & Loss Therapy & Therapy to Help with Life Changes may be helpful when:

  • You are recovering from the death of a family member or friend
  • You are rebuilding your life following a separation or divorce
  • You are adjusting to life with a Chronic Illness
  • You re caring for a loved one with a serious health problem such as ALS, Parkinsons and/or Dementia
  • You are trying to figure out next steps after job loss and or Retirement
  • You are recovering from the loss of your  pet
  • You are adjusting to life as a new parent
  • You are adjusting to life as an “Empty Nester”


How can Individual therapy help?

  • Explore and move through the many feelings and emotions associated with your loss
  • Explore ways to honor and remember a loved one who has died
  • Explore and identify your personal grief and loss experience and any past losses that have resurfaced
  • Explore ways to move forward with meaning as you identify what your life can and will look following your loss


Get started today with a free and confidential consultation provided by an experienced and compassionate therapist

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