“People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.”
– Thomas Szasz

Counselling for Personal Growth & Development

Therapy can be helpful at times in our life even when we are not feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Perhaps life is moving forward for you yet you are feeling you want a better understanding of yourself and/or your values and goals in life. If this sounds like YOU than Counseling for Personal Growth and Development may be helpful.

Personal growth and development is unique to each of us.

Personal Growth and Development Counselling can help you:

  • Explore your life experiences, your values and beliefs and move towards greater clarity in creating a satisfying and meaningful life for yourself
  • Gain a deeper understanding of yourself so that you can live your life from a place of authenticity
  • Gain clarity and understanding of your true passions and connect with courageous you seeking out more meaning in your life
  • Develop deeper connections with others and establish and sustain relationships that matter to you
  • “Let go” of old ways of living and old “patterns” that you feel are no longer a fit for you


Get started today with a free and confidential consultation provided by an experienced and compassionate therapist

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