Men’s Therapy

Men need mental health services just as much as women, and now, more than ever before, men are seeking out therapists to get much needed support for their own challenges and trauma. Our therapists provide compassionate and competent counselling for men dealing with a variety of different issues ranging from childhood trauma, navigating fatherhood, to retirement and end of life planning. Online counselling services are a great way for a man to see a therapist, it’s even more private than going to a clinic, or a therapist’s office, as there is no chance of bumping into anyone in the waiting area and it’s convenient enough that you can schedule it during your lunch hour.

Men may experience different symptoms than women when they struggle with their mental health. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Anger, frustration, or feeling on edge
  • Overall change in mood, loss of energy
  • Loss or increased appetite
  • Strange thoughts or actions that are worrying friends, colleagues,
    or family
  • Insomnia or sleeping more than usual
  • Concentration challenges, restlessness
  • Obsessively worrying or stressing about things that are out of your
  • Drinking more alcohol than normal and/or using drugs
  • Thoughts or behaviors that impact your day to day life
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Feeling flat or just having a lack of “get up and go”
  • Taking high risks to your physical well being
  • Aches, headaches, digestive problems without medical reasons

Therapy for men can help with:

  • Creating closure around the end of a romantic relationship
  • Managing challenging life decisions such as changing careers, or choosing an educational path
  • Healing from childhood trauma and abuse (physical, sexual, or emotional)
  • Learning to embrace all emotions in a regulated, manageable way
  • Navigating fatherhood
  • Grieve over the loss of a child (or the loss of a planned pregnancy – miscarriages don’t just impact mothers)
  • Moving forward and planning life after retirement
  • Personal growth and development

To schedule a consult to learn more about how therapy may help you, start here.


Get started today with a free and confidential consultation provided by an experienced and compassionate therapist

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