Online Therapy

Heidi Sturgeon & Associates offers:


Secure & Private Virtual Care

We use a dedicated telehealth platform that provides secure, encrypted video technology that meets privacy regulations for healthcare in Canada.

  • Simple, secure video appointments that work similarly to Zoom, Skype or Facetime
  • Secure instant messaging, file sharing and screen sharing
  • Convenient online booking, appointment scheduling and payment processing

All you need is a smartphone, laptop or computer with a webcam, a strong internet connection and a quiet place where you feel you will have complete privacy.


Compassionate and evidenced-based care

We are experienced and accredited professionals who are dedicated to helping relieve the suffering of others. We invite you to learn more


Online Therapy is ideal for:

  • Health professionals with little to no time for themselves
  • Busy professionals, parents, and expectant moms and dads
  • Clients with anxiety and social anxiety and/or phobias
  • Clients with limited mobility, chronic pain, and illness
  • Clients in rural communities with limited access to mental health services
  • Clients wanting to avoid traffic delays, parking, and gas expenses
  • Clients without transportation
  • Frequent travelers
  • Caregivers

Please note that we do not offer text and/or email counselling at this time

At Heidi Sturgeon & Associates we understand that reaching out for therapy can be difficult. If you are not sure if Online Therapy is for you, please still schedule a free consultation and we can determine, together, if this type of counselling may meet your needs.


  • Clients presenting with serious psychiatric illness or suicide thoughts or experiencing active thoughts of harm to self or others. In these situations please seek immediate assistance by going to your nearest hospital or by calling 911
  • Online Therapy cannot offer crisis services or respond to crisis situations
  • Online Therapy is not available for clients actively dependent on substances
  • Online Therapy is not available for clients requiring regular therapeutic attention outside scheduled session times



Price: $180 – 200 per session

How do I pay for Online Therapy?

Therapy Sessions are covered by most benefit/insurance providers. Contact your insurance provider and inquire if services provided by a Registered Social Worker (MSW, RSW) and/or a Licensed Psychologist are covered under your plan. Alternatively, if you have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) contact your representative to see if this service is covered.

At Heidi Sturgeon & Associates we are approved Medavie Blue Cross Providers including for Veterans and Canadian Armed Forces. 

Payment is due at the time of your therapy appointment

Research consistently shows that online treatment can be very effective for many mental health issues:

  • 2014 study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders found that online treatment was just as effective as face-to-face treatment for depression.
  • 2018 study published in the Journal of Psychological Disorders found that online cognitive behavioral therapy is, “effective, acceptable, and practical health care.” The study found the online cognitive behavioural therapy was equally as effective as face-to-face treatment for major depression, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder.
  • 2014 study published in Behaviour Research and Therapy found that online cognitive behavioral therapy was effective in treating anxiety disorders. Treatment was cost-effective and the positive improvements were sustained at the one-year follow-up.


Already know this service is right for you?

We are looking forward to connecting with you!


Get started today with a free and confidential consultation provided by an experienced and compassionate therapist

© Copyright 2024 | Heidi Sturgeon, MSW, RSW Sturgewood Industries Ltd | Nova Scotia | New Brunswick | Newfoundland | PEI | Ontario | All Rights Reserved.