
Managing Anxiety About A Post Pandemic Life

Managing Anxiety About A Post Pandemic Life

As more and more people receive their vaccinations, the possibility of resuming social interactions, commuting, office life, and indoor dining is moving towards us like clouds on a windy day. This is exciting for some folks, but not everyone. For more than a few folks, the thought of returning to the weekday commute, enduring family parties, or having to see the boss face to face on a regular basis can be dread inducing.

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How To Support Men’s Mental Health

How To Support Men’s Mental Health

Are men really in need? Yes. Old, gendered beliefs around men needing to always be “strong” and that they should keep their problems to themselves have prevented many guys from asking for help. Among Canadians of all ages, four of every five suicides are male. The silence around depression and anxiety is harming our husbands, boyfriends, brothers, uncles, nephews, colleagues, and friends.

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I woke this morning still smiling as I thought about how much fun I had on Easter weekend as I spent so much time with children who I adore and who I have been missing. Living 4 hours away from home, although not far, has proved challenging at times to stay connected...

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