SELF COMPASSION: What does self compassion mean to you? In technical terms SELF COMPASSION is defined as being comprised of three things: 1) Self Kindness, 2) Common Humanity and 3) Mindfulness. I will be sharing lots more about SELF COMPASSION & the 3 components...
RED CARDINALS: A few days ago I shared a message about feeling we receive signs of our loved ones who are no longer with us and how I had been told my sign would appear as RED CARDINALS.… Imagine my utter surprise when yesterday,...
GRATITUDE: Today as I go about my last minute Christmas preparations I know that there will be moments when I feel sad for traditions that I no longer have, loss for those who may no longer be with me, worries about did I do enough, buy enough, was that the right gift...
RED CARDINALS: Do you ever feel our loved one who have passed send us signs? A few years ago a lady that I met at a class I was taking told me that whenever I see a RED CARDINAL that this is a sign from my Mom who had passed away from Cancer in 1987. I’ve always...
Can you believe Christmas is just a few days away! I was doing a bit of last minute shopping yesterday (:)) and noticed some frantic looks as shoppers were searching for that perfect gift. Than I saw this post on and wanted to share as a reminder of how we can choose...